Researching small business grants can be a massive undertaking, and it doesn’t hurt to have some Advil nearby when doing so. However, if you have been asking yourself what kinds of grants are available, and how to narrow them down, look no further. There are a few broad categories that can help determine which types of grants you could qualify for.


What Phase Is Your Business in?

Is your business up and running, or are you in the start-up phase? If you are just starting out, you may have access to start-up grants. On the other hand, some grants don’t apply to new businesses/businesses that haven’t quite started yet.


What Industry Is Your Business in?

Are you in the research and development industry? How about technology? While these two allow you to qualify for the Small Business Innovation Research Program and Small Business Technology Transfer Program respectively, there are other options available. Don’t fret if this doesn’t apply to you, there are a lot of different industries that can help you qualify for a grant.


Where Is Your Business Located? 

Is your business rural or urban? Which city are you located in? All of these factors and more can contribute to which grants may be available for your use.


What Type of Owner Are You?

Are you a minority business owner? A female? A veteran? These demographic qualities and more are sometimes factors at play when it comes to certain grants. You could qualify for multiple different grants based on some of the above criteria.


What Now?

Now that you have a better understanding of some of the qualifications for grants, you may be feeling excited to start applying! If you need help applying or have further questions, contact us here. We can’t wait to help out.